Ini adalah bagian dari seri #BerburuDiskon,
(eh, uudah pernah dibuat belum ya sebelumnya? kalo belum... maka ini adalah seri pertama dari banyak yang akan datang, semoga aja ga males nulisnya....)
#Nama sengaja disamarkan untuk melindungi nama baik.
Banyak dari kita terkadang kurang bisa memaksimalkan kegunaan rekening tabungan, kartu debit, kartu kredit ataupun mekanisme-mekanisme pembayaran baru yang saat ini sedang marak karena program inklusi keuangan pemerintah yang di-endorse oleh BI dan OJK.
Berikut adalah sebuah kisah petualangan dari Satria OGI yang di darahnya mengalir diskon, udara yang dihirupnya mengandung promo serta energinya untuk melangkah hasil pembakaran barang gratisan.
Petualangan Satria OGI ini dimulai di sebuah Sabtu pagi yang sedikit mendung-mendung sedep... Setelah berhasil menaklukkan rasa ngantuk dan melek di jam 11 siang, Satria OGI mandi dengan sabun Kinsley hasil promo Buy One Get One (BOGO) di AEON JGC Cakung dan Shampo Dove dari Giant Buaran pas diskon 30%.
Satria OGI kemudian memacu sang Motor Sembrani yang dibahanbakari dengan bahan bakar kualitas premium menuju Plaza Semanggi.
Plaza Semanggi yang kini semakin sepi karena tak hanya dikarenakan oleh berjamurnya mal-mal di kawasan jakarta selatan, juga dikarenakan oleh tendensi masyarakat yang saat ini lebih memilih beralih belanja secara online, merupakan tempat nongkrong favorit Satria OGI.
Begitu masuk mall tersebut, langsung semerbak bau Chapayom yang promo BOGO di hari Senin dan Kamis dengan Debit BCA, aroma Think Thai yang promo BOGO di hari Senin dengan Kupon Line, semerbak baju baru di Manzone yang lagi promo abis-abisan sampai 70%, semriwing di Centro yang tiada hari tanpa diskon, warna-warninya promo peralatan mandi dan grooming di Watsons, sampai dengan tentunya promo BOGO nonton di Cinemaxx.
Akhir-akhir ini Satria OGI lebih memilih untuk nonton di Cinemaxx karena promo BOGO di CGV menggunakan Kartu Kredit CIMB Niaga Wave n Go dibatasi Senen sampe Kamis doang, sementara di Cinemaxx masih setiap hari.
Setibanya di Cinemaxx, dari tiga studio yang ada, film yang tersedia hanya Ferdinand dan Star Wars. Star Wars tampak sangat mendominasi bioskop tak hanya di Semanggi, namun kayanya hampir di semua bioskop. Karena Satria OGI ga ngikutin Star Wars ataupun paham ceritanya dari awal, jadilah Satria OGI nonton BOGO Ferdinand saja.
Sambil menunggu pemutaran film, Satria OGI keliaran dulu. Niat hati pengen beli Chatime BOGO yang kini hanya berlaku tiap Sabtu Minggu pake Kartu Kredit CIMB Niaga Wave n Go jadi gagal karena hari ini ga bawa backpack untuk menyelundupkan makanan dan minuman ke dalam bioskop.
Akhirnya bertandanglah Satria OGI di Watson dan memborong Heavenly Blush Yogurt Bar, Oreo dan WRP Fruit Bar yang lagi promo BOGO di WAtson. Lumayan, buat cemilan sehat sehabis nge-gym malam (gitu niatnya, ujung-ujungnya sih paling numpuk di kulkas ampe mepet tanggal kadaluarsanya, hahaha....)
Eh ternyata pas masuk bioskop, ternyata kantong Watson-nya ga digeledah... ah, penyesalah selalu datang belakangan, Satria OGI tertunduk penuh penyesalan... Kenapa tadi ga nyelipin Chatime sekalian dalam plastik Watson.... #Nestapa.
Selesai nonton, Satria OGI berencana untuk mengunjungi promo-promo yang sedang bertebaran mendekati masa-masa liburan seperti Natal dan Tahun Baru. Hampir semua mall pada Sabtu malam kemaren menggelar event Midnight Sale dan menawarkan parkir gratis mulai jam 20.00 s.d. tengah malam serta diskon-diskon yang cetar membahana.
Sebelum berpindah Mall, energi Satria OGI harus diisi. Mampirlah ke sebuah cafe baru yang mengusung tema Vietnam bernama CaPhe di Semanggi. Ada Promo BOGO dengan menggunakan Kartu Debit BCA. Lumayan sapa tahu bisa mengatasi ngantuk untuk belanja sampe dengan tengah malem.
Sruput-sruput, saatnya menuju parkiran motor. Satu hal lagi yang disukai oleh Satria OGI di Plaza Semanggi adalah keberadaan metode pembayaran baru yakni OVO yang saat ini menawarkan promo Parkir seharian hanya Rp.1 saja. Jadilah parkir hampir selama 5 jam di Plaza Semanggi hari itu hanya dibayar melalui OVO dengan pengurangi Rp. 1 rupiah sajah. Gimana ga sedep coba, seandainya saja promo ini berlaku selamanya... #Khayalbabu
Senayan City adalah mall yang dipilih oleh Satria OGI untuk mengkhilafkan diri. Jadi meluncurlah kemudian dipaculah Sang Motor Sembrani ke arah Selatan Jakarta menuju Senayan City.
Sayangnya terkadang promo diskon midnight sale memang tak lebih dari isapan jempol belaka karena antara diskonnya ga cetar atau barang yang kena diskon rasanya kaya harganya udah dinaikin dulu. Naiknya pake Bouraq kali ya, sehingga tingginya tuh harga sampe ke langit ke tujuh. #lebay
Namun untuk item tertentu dan seandainya waspada, banyak barang-barang yang kena diskon dan pantas untuk dibeli. Pelabuhan diskon Satria OGI akhirnya berlabuh di Debenhams dengan sepatu formal Ftale, kaos kaki yang ga tahu merk-nya apa, kemeja putih formal dan celana hitam formal yang kayanya private brand-nya Debenhams serta beberapa sempak berbagai merk yang kesemuanya diskon 70%. Sedep banget dah rasanya pas gesek kartu kredit... #perihhh.......
Seandainya saja Satria OGI punya kartu kredit BNI, tuh belanjaan bisa dicicil sampe dengan 6 bulan dengan bunga nol persen.
Tapi paling ga, diskon 70% itu sudah cukup baik lah. Diskon kalo ga 70% tuh kaya sayur kurang garam, kurang enak kurang sedep gimana gitu...
Akhirnya kekhilafan Satria OGI berakhir dengan satu bag besar Debenhams disertai dengan printilan hasil diskonan sebelumnya.
Udah tengah malam, Satria OGI merasa lapar dan akhirnya menyebrang ke Senayan Trade Center untuk sungkem sama akang Ronald McDonald dan memanfaatkan Promo Ultimate of the Day.
Karena BRI lagi ulang tahun yang ke 122, jadi ada potongan harga Rp. 122 ribu untuk belanja minimum Rp. 150 ribu di McD.
2 Paket Panas 2 (yang dua ayam)
2 Bolognese Burger ala carte
1 McCafe Affogato
dengan total Rp. 155 ribu dan hanya dibayar tunai dengan Rp. 33 ribu saja. SAH!!!!!
Selanjutnya pulang dari sana, ngambil motor dan hanya membayar Rp. 2 ribu untuk parkir hampir 6 jam di Senayan City. Ohh, indahnya promo parkir pas midnight sale.
Pelajaran yang Satria OGI dapatkan dan bisa bagikan pada OGI-ers semua adalah, rugi kalo setia ama satu kartu kredit doang.
Hahahaha, kecuali untuk hubungan romansa, Selingkuh adalah hal yang sangat dianjurkan dalam menjalin hubungan dengan Kartu Kredit, Kartu Debit dan Jasa Pembayaran lainnya.
Rekap petualangan bertabur diskon hari ini adalah:
BOGO Cinemaxx : Kartu Kredit CIMB Niaga Wave n Go
BOGO cemilan di Watson : Any Cards/Cash
BOGO Vietnam Coffee di CaPhe : Kartu Debit BCA
Parkir 1 Rupiah : OVO
Diskon 70% di Debenhams : Akan lebih maksimal kalo punya Kartu Kredit BNI
Diskon Rp. 122 ribu di McD : Kartu Kredit BRI
Promo Parkir di Senayan City : Any Cards/Cash ketika Midnight Sale
Baiklah, sekian dulu petualangan Satria OGI.
Masih banyak petualangan yang akan datang untuk mengupdate pengetahuan OGI-ers sekalian tentang bagaimana memaksimalkan benda ajaib yang bernama kartu kredit dan kartu debit yang dimiliki.
Kalo ada yang suka bilang ciao bella, Satria OGI akan menutup blog ini dengan ciao BOGO...~~~~
What can I do in one lifetime... I guess a lot. So let me share you a part of my one lifetime in this world. A wise man once said, "A smart person learn from his mistakes, but a wise person finds the smart person and learn from his mistakes altogether" Hope you can learn something from my story...
Who Am I? Not Spiderman
- Chronov
- Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
- Rizky Novrianto is just an ordinary human being who try to live his life as extraordinary as it can be. I like to be different. You maybe able to find someone better than me, but You may never find someone like me. I hope common courtesy hasn't die yet. Treat people the way you want to be treated and even more, treat other people the way they want to be treated.
Monday, December 18, 2017
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
How to Beat the Unbeatable Blissey?
This will be my very first entry about Pokemon Go since I first playing it a while ago. Now I'm a level 32 Mystic Team Player, yet my Pokedex is still far from completion. For my first post regarding Pokemon Go, I'll share with you an experience from a struggling player point of view. Well, if you're a beginner, you might find some terms I used is a hard one to understand, do google it if you want to find out more. Though some terms is a terms that I used for a personal use and you might not find it on Google, it might be hard, but just read along and you might get the gist of it. Yeah, I'm Rizky and I'm a Poke Addict.
Pokemon Go gen 2 comes with lots of new Pokemon to be discovered. I think, the-hardest-to-beat Pokemon from Gen 1 are either Snorlax, Dragonite and/or Lapras. Therefore you find lots of these Pokemon in a gym, guarding it from the attackers.
Last Valentine was the revival of new strong contenders which I think almost like cheating. The Pokemon was Blissey whom evolved from Chansey, Blissey is a pinky-white angelic-like Pokemon, looks super cute and not at all look like a hard-to-beat Pokemon. It is one of the rare pokemon in Gen 1. But I don't know what's up with my luck, the pink Pokemon I gathered during valentine are kinds like Eggxecutes, Stupid Face Slowpokes, Jigglytuff, and other common pinkies except for Patrick Star.
I got my first Chansey was when I visited Bogor, Indonesia. Caught one in the Bogor Train Station, lucky me, the Chansey I caught had a very good IV, "Wonderful, what a breathtaking pokemon" he said. But only during this Rock Week, where you got 4x the candies for Poke Buddies, I finally have the opportunity to take my Chansey for a walk and got enough candies to evolve it into a Blissey. The stats really is amazing for a pokemon with CP below 2000. No wonder beating one is really hard.
Everytime I saw a gym full of Blissey, I'd rather turn away and find another gym to take over. Beating a Blissey is not about how strong your pokemon are, but most of the time, I ran out of time before beating one, therefore it always makes my blood boils. Every attacks you land on Blissey only decrease a small amount of its power bar.
Basic Pokemon knowledge teach you that Blissey is a Normal Pokemon type, therefore the best Pokemon to beat a Blissey is a Fighting Type Pokemon, but this is the reason why I think Blissey is almost like a CHEATING type Pokemon. Lots of Blissey blessed with a Psychic type attack, mine is blessed with a Zen Headbutt attack, where another basic Pokemon knowledge will tell you that Fighting type Pokemon are weak against Psychic type attack.
So it really is frustrating, Beating a Blissey which is a Normal type Pokemon, requires a Fighting type attacks, but if you use a Fighting type Pokemon, you might need 3 to 4 Fighting type Pokemon to beat a 2.400 CP Blissey with Zen Headbutt and Hyper Beam attack because its attacks are Super Effective againts Fighting type Pokemon. Now how if that was more than one Blissey in the gym, how many revives and potions do you need to beat a level 10 gym. I think I saw one nightmare-gym where there was 10 Blissey in that gym and I just sigh-in then walk away.
Oh wait, this blog won't take you down in a Blissey's dillema. As the title goes, I want to teach you how to beat Blissey, using a Pokemon that you (probably) hate and find useless since the first time it showed its horns and creepy face. Yes, It's PINSIR. Big-CP-but-useless Pinsir, that's the Pokemon that destined to beat Blissey.

I happened to be a Pinsir collector, because for a first Gen pokemon, Pinsir have a very good CP and relatively easy to catch therefore it will get you a good spot in the gym, due to gym positioning is purely based on CP. Your Pinsir will most likely the last to be kicked out if it has good CP. I have too many Pinsir because it appeared a lot in last Gen, I think in terms of number, my Pinsir only beaten by Pikachu, because I keep a lot of Christmas hat Pikachu.
Pinsir is a Bug type Pokemon, and most of them have Bugs attack such as Bug Bite and X-scissor. But if you're lucky, like me, You will often catch Pinsir with Fighting type Pokemon attack such as Rock Smash, Close Combat and Submission. Yeah, sometimes Kingler also have Submission attack, but the other one usually Water type attack, and Submission is not my favourite Fighting type attack.
Take my best Pinsir for example, it has Rock Smash (15) and Close Combat (100) for its attack set which both are Fighting type. So, why Pinsir is now a star?
Due to its type, a BUG, Psychic type attack won't harm pinsir as much as it harm a Fighting type Pokemon. so, your Pinsir could last longer than Fighting type Pokemon in the battle against a Blissey. 3 Pinsir to beat 2 Blissey is a good ratio, the ratio would improve if you also have a better sense on dodging Hyper Beam attack from Blissey.
Now, even better option compare to Pinsir is an Ursaring. Ursaring is a Normal type Pokemon, evolved from Teddiursa. Why it's an even better option to beat Blissey?
Because Ursaring and Blissey share the same type of Pokemon, Normal type Pokemon. Which both are only suck against Fighting type Pokemon. But not all Ursaring are great against a Blissey, therefore, Pinsir is an easier option.
Of all my Ursaring, I only have one that have a complete set of Fighting type attack. Counter (12) and Close Combat (100). my other Ursaring have one Fighting type Attack and the other attack is Hyper Beam, Another Ursaring of Mine have Metal attack combines with a Fairy type attack. So, finding an Ursaring with a complete set of Fighting type attack is quite hard. Plus finding a Teddiursa candy poses another challenge because finding a Teddiursa is not as easy as finding a Magikarp, moreover you also need 50 candies to evolve Teddiursa into Ursaring.
Finding a Pinsir in the wild is more likely rather than finding an Ursaring. Therefore, once you find a Pinsir with good set of Fighting type Pokemon attack, do spent all your candies to Power Up that Pinsir. If you want to have a chance to stand against Blissey.
In terms of endurance, of course I recommend an Ursaring to beat a Blissey, but hey... Pinsir is also great options to beat a Blissey rather than the likes of Machamp, Mankey, Hitmonlee and other Fighting type Pokemon.
Once I tried to use a Gyarados with Bite (6) and Dragon Pulse (90) to beat a Blissey, I still somehow managed to beat Blissey one on one, but it's a close call with only less than 5 seconds in the timer. Why it effective? because Bite is a fast attack, It will bite Blissey until it overwhelmed and have a hard time to give a counter attack.
Using an Ursaring, I can beat a Blissey with more than 20 seconds left in the timer plus my Ursaring still have some juice left to bash another Blissey. With Pinsir, if I got lucky, I can beat a Blissey one on one, but most of the time, I use three Pinsir to beat two Blissey.
When attacking a Blissey with an Fighting type attack, you should notice that attacking with Counter will fill the gauge for launching a Close combat attack faster rather than a slow Rock Smash attack. This speed when attacking other Pokemon is also a point you have to notice and it will grow with experience.
Most Blissey are blessed with Hyper Beam attack and among all other attacks, I think Hyper Beam is the easiest to dodge, because you can see when it about to launch. Sometimes I encounter Blissey with Play Rough, an attack from Fairy type Pokemon as well. Your dodging ability will get better with experience as well the better you dodge, your Pokemon will last longer in the field.
Blissey is still a hard Pokemon to beat, but at least it's not unbeatable.
But as the Pokemon Gen 2 showing up, finding Pinsir in the wild is a bot hard nowadays, you might find Teddiursa more rather than Pinsir. Well, wish you luck with Pinsir and Teddiursa.
Or if you have other Pokemon better to fight against Blissey, do share in the comment. I have a Gengar with Focus Blast (140) attack, highest number for a Fighting type attack I've seen, but too bad it's a Ghost type Pokemon and also weak against Psychic type attack which most Blissey posses.
Well, cath em all!! and always notice the attack type of your Pokemon, These days I keep finding that the attack differ far from the Pokemon Type. I have an Arcanine of Fire type having both Dark type attacks. Well, might find it useful someday. Now, Ursaring + Pinsir is my go to option when encountering a Blissey.
Pokemon Go gen 2 comes with lots of new Pokemon to be discovered. I think, the-hardest-to-beat Pokemon from Gen 1 are either Snorlax, Dragonite and/or Lapras. Therefore you find lots of these Pokemon in a gym, guarding it from the attackers.
Last Valentine was the revival of new strong contenders which I think almost like cheating. The Pokemon was Blissey whom evolved from Chansey, Blissey is a pinky-white angelic-like Pokemon, looks super cute and not at all look like a hard-to-beat Pokemon. It is one of the rare pokemon in Gen 1. But I don't know what's up with my luck, the pink Pokemon I gathered during valentine are kinds like Eggxecutes, Stupid Face Slowpokes, Jigglytuff, and other common pinkies except for Patrick Star.
I got my first Chansey was when I visited Bogor, Indonesia. Caught one in the Bogor Train Station, lucky me, the Chansey I caught had a very good IV, "Wonderful, what a breathtaking pokemon" he said. But only during this Rock Week, where you got 4x the candies for Poke Buddies, I finally have the opportunity to take my Chansey for a walk and got enough candies to evolve it into a Blissey. The stats really is amazing for a pokemon with CP below 2000. No wonder beating one is really hard.
Everytime I saw a gym full of Blissey, I'd rather turn away and find another gym to take over. Beating a Blissey is not about how strong your pokemon are, but most of the time, I ran out of time before beating one, therefore it always makes my blood boils. Every attacks you land on Blissey only decrease a small amount of its power bar.
Basic Pokemon knowledge teach you that Blissey is a Normal Pokemon type, therefore the best Pokemon to beat a Blissey is a Fighting Type Pokemon, but this is the reason why I think Blissey is almost like a CHEATING type Pokemon. Lots of Blissey blessed with a Psychic type attack, mine is blessed with a Zen Headbutt attack, where another basic Pokemon knowledge will tell you that Fighting type Pokemon are weak against Psychic type attack.
So it really is frustrating, Beating a Blissey which is a Normal type Pokemon, requires a Fighting type attacks, but if you use a Fighting type Pokemon, you might need 3 to 4 Fighting type Pokemon to beat a 2.400 CP Blissey with Zen Headbutt and Hyper Beam attack because its attacks are Super Effective againts Fighting type Pokemon. Now how if that was more than one Blissey in the gym, how many revives and potions do you need to beat a level 10 gym. I think I saw one nightmare-gym where there was 10 Blissey in that gym and I just sigh-in then walk away.
Oh wait, this blog won't take you down in a Blissey's dillema. As the title goes, I want to teach you how to beat Blissey, using a Pokemon that you (probably) hate and find useless since the first time it showed its horns and creepy face. Yes, It's PINSIR. Big-CP-but-useless Pinsir, that's the Pokemon that destined to beat Blissey.

I happened to be a Pinsir collector, because for a first Gen pokemon, Pinsir have a very good CP and relatively easy to catch therefore it will get you a good spot in the gym, due to gym positioning is purely based on CP. Your Pinsir will most likely the last to be kicked out if it has good CP. I have too many Pinsir because it appeared a lot in last Gen, I think in terms of number, my Pinsir only beaten by Pikachu, because I keep a lot of Christmas hat Pikachu.
Pinsir is a Bug type Pokemon, and most of them have Bugs attack such as Bug Bite and X-scissor. But if you're lucky, like me, You will often catch Pinsir with Fighting type Pokemon attack such as Rock Smash, Close Combat and Submission. Yeah, sometimes Kingler also have Submission attack, but the other one usually Water type attack, and Submission is not my favourite Fighting type attack.
Take my best Pinsir for example, it has Rock Smash (15) and Close Combat (100) for its attack set which both are Fighting type. So, why Pinsir is now a star?
Due to its type, a BUG, Psychic type attack won't harm pinsir as much as it harm a Fighting type Pokemon. so, your Pinsir could last longer than Fighting type Pokemon in the battle against a Blissey. 3 Pinsir to beat 2 Blissey is a good ratio, the ratio would improve if you also have a better sense on dodging Hyper Beam attack from Blissey.
Now, even better option compare to Pinsir is an Ursaring. Ursaring is a Normal type Pokemon, evolved from Teddiursa. Why it's an even better option to beat Blissey?
Because Ursaring and Blissey share the same type of Pokemon, Normal type Pokemon. Which both are only suck against Fighting type Pokemon. But not all Ursaring are great against a Blissey, therefore, Pinsir is an easier option.
Of all my Ursaring, I only have one that have a complete set of Fighting type attack. Counter (12) and Close Combat (100). my other Ursaring have one Fighting type Attack and the other attack is Hyper Beam, Another Ursaring of Mine have Metal attack combines with a Fairy type attack. So, finding an Ursaring with a complete set of Fighting type attack is quite hard. Plus finding a Teddiursa candy poses another challenge because finding a Teddiursa is not as easy as finding a Magikarp, moreover you also need 50 candies to evolve Teddiursa into Ursaring.
Finding a Pinsir in the wild is more likely rather than finding an Ursaring. Therefore, once you find a Pinsir with good set of Fighting type Pokemon attack, do spent all your candies to Power Up that Pinsir. If you want to have a chance to stand against Blissey.
In terms of endurance, of course I recommend an Ursaring to beat a Blissey, but hey... Pinsir is also great options to beat a Blissey rather than the likes of Machamp, Mankey, Hitmonlee and other Fighting type Pokemon.
Once I tried to use a Gyarados with Bite (6) and Dragon Pulse (90) to beat a Blissey, I still somehow managed to beat Blissey one on one, but it's a close call with only less than 5 seconds in the timer. Why it effective? because Bite is a fast attack, It will bite Blissey until it overwhelmed and have a hard time to give a counter attack.
Using an Ursaring, I can beat a Blissey with more than 20 seconds left in the timer plus my Ursaring still have some juice left to bash another Blissey. With Pinsir, if I got lucky, I can beat a Blissey one on one, but most of the time, I use three Pinsir to beat two Blissey.
When attacking a Blissey with an Fighting type attack, you should notice that attacking with Counter will fill the gauge for launching a Close combat attack faster rather than a slow Rock Smash attack. This speed when attacking other Pokemon is also a point you have to notice and it will grow with experience.
Most Blissey are blessed with Hyper Beam attack and among all other attacks, I think Hyper Beam is the easiest to dodge, because you can see when it about to launch. Sometimes I encounter Blissey with Play Rough, an attack from Fairy type Pokemon as well. Your dodging ability will get better with experience as well the better you dodge, your Pokemon will last longer in the field.
Blissey is still a hard Pokemon to beat, but at least it's not unbeatable.
But as the Pokemon Gen 2 showing up, finding Pinsir in the wild is a bot hard nowadays, you might find Teddiursa more rather than Pinsir. Well, wish you luck with Pinsir and Teddiursa.
Or if you have other Pokemon better to fight against Blissey, do share in the comment. I have a Gengar with Focus Blast (140) attack, highest number for a Fighting type attack I've seen, but too bad it's a Ghost type Pokemon and also weak against Psychic type attack which most Blissey posses.
Well, cath em all!! and always notice the attack type of your Pokemon, These days I keep finding that the attack differ far from the Pokemon Type. I have an Arcanine of Fire type having both Dark type attacks. Well, might find it useful someday. Now, Ursaring + Pinsir is my go to option when encountering a Blissey.
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